Research areas: Developmental pathways leading to developmental psychopathology, social and emotional development, biological at risk children (very preterm children), school and sibling bullying, infant regulatory problems (crying, feeding, sleeping) and parenting.

Bavarian Longitudinal Study (BLS) Project Website

Aberrant gyrification contributes to the link between gestational age and adult IQ after premature birth

Gyrification is a hallmark of human brain development, starting in the second half of gestation in primary cortices, followed by unimodal and then transmodal associative cortices. Alterations in gyrification have been noted in premature-born newborns and children, suggesting abnormal cortical folding to be a permanent feature of prematurity……

IQ a Better Predictor of Adult Economic Success than Maths

· IQ in childhood is a better indicator of adult wealth than maths for very preterm and very low-weight babies, according to a new study in PLOS One.

· Many preterm children demonstrating cognitive impairments attend mainstream schools, it also provides an opportunity to develop strategies for ensuring that they receive best support for their learning progress.

· The better their learning progress the more likely they are to have economic success in adult life.

General cognitive but not mathematic abilities predict very preterm and healthy term born adults’ wealth

Very preterm (<32 weeks gestation; VP) and/or very low birth weight (<1500g; VLBW) children often have cognitive and mathematic difficulties. It is unknown whether VP/VLBW children’s frequent mathematic problems significantly add to the burden of negative life-course consequences over and above effects of more general cognitive deficits. Our aim was to determine whether negative consequences of VP/VLBW versus healthy term birth on adult wealth are mediated by mathematic abilities in childhood, or rather explained by more general cognitive abilities.