EFCNI Parent Summit in Friesing April 2024 which brought together organisations from around the globe heard from Dieter Wolke about Long term development after very pre-term birth: potential resiliency factors
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Dieter stresses the importance of follow-up care that includes family circumstances, parent-child interaction and peer relationships. Read more here
in a Neonatology Now Podcast.
Exposure to bullying victimisation, whether it was retrospectively or prospectively self-reported, was associated with an increased risk for mental health problems.
…Problems in peer relationships and low engagement in romantic relationships in preterm born adolescents: effects of maternal warmth in early childhood.
…There is a lack of evidence-based app guidance for parents of children with crying, sleeping, and feeding problems who are often highly burdened and not likely to seek professional help. A new psychoeducational app for parents providing scientifically sound information via text and videos, a diary function, selfcare strategies, a chat forum and a regional…
0:02 / 56:32 Dieter Wolke talks to Alumni about the outcomes of longitudinal studies into how Early Year development affects outcomes in later life Webinar aimed at Alumni features among others, Dieter Wolke.
in association of ESCNH Chairs including Dieter Wolke