Research areas: Developmental pathways leading to developmental psychopathology, social and emotional development, biological at risk children (very preterm children), school and sibling bullying, infant regulatory problems (crying, feeding, sleeping) and parenting.

Bavarian Longitudinal Study (BLS) Project Website

Standardisation of the Parent Report of Children’s Abilities–Revised (PARCA-R): a norm-referenced assessment of cognitive and language development at age 2 years

The Parent Report of Children’s Abilities–Revised (PARCA-R) can be used to identify preterm born children at risk for developmental delay at age 24 months. However, standardised scores for assessing all children in the general population and quantifying development relative to the norm are unavailable, thus limiting the use of the questionnaire. We aimed to develop scores that are standardised by age and sex for the PARCA-R to assess children’s cognitive and language development at age 24–27 months.

Editorial: Persistence of infant crying, sleeping and feeding problems: need for prevention

Excessive crying, difficulties in feeding such as food refusal and difficulties with falling asleep or maintaining sleep after 4–6 months of age are labelled infant regulatory problems (RPs). If RPs occur together (having more than one RP), they have been found to be associated with behaviour and emotional problems in childhood and even in adulthood.1