Research areas: Developmental pathways leading to developmental psychopathology, social and emotional development, biological at risk children (very preterm children), school and sibling bullying, infant regulatory problems (crying, feeding, sleeping) and parenting.

Bavarian Longitudinal Study (BLS) Project Website

Changes in emotional problems, hyperactivity and conduct problems in moderate to late preterm children and adolescents born between 1958 and 2002 in the United Kingdom

Preterm birth is a risk factor for the development of emotional and behavioural problems in childhood and adolescence. Given the substantial improvements in neonatal care across decades, it has been expected that the difference in emotional problems, hyperactivity, and conduct problems between moderate to late preterm (MLPT) and full term (FT) children and adolescents have declined in recent years.


Congratulations to Nicole Baumann and Ahuti Das (both co-supervised by Professor Dieter Wolke) on winning the 2020 University of Warwick Psychology Department PhD Student Publication Awards at a recent PGR Research Day.

Read their articles and what the judges said.

Sibling Bullying: A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Associations with Positive and Negative Mental Health during Adolescence

It is well documented that sibling bullying is associated with poor mental health. The prospective longitudinal relationships between sibling bullying and both positive and negative mental health remain unclear. Additionally, the developmental course of negative mental health after sibling bullying involvement is yet to be investigated.

Distinguished Contribution Award Talk: Dieter Wolke

Date 22 June 2021 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Location Online The Developmental Psychology Section is pleased to welcome Professor Dieter Wolke to this event. In this talk Professor Wolke will deliver his 2020 Distinguished Contribution Award Talk: ‘Born at risk or into risk environments: Consequences for development into adulthood’. After the talk there will be time for questions. …

Commentary: Response to commentary by Davis and Kramer (2021)

Davis and Kramer (2021) in their commentary on our study (Bilgin & Wolke, 2020) state that we ‘argue that leaving an infant to “cry it out”, rather than responding to the child’s cries, had no adverse effects on mother‐infant attachment at 18 months’ (Davis & Kramer, 2021, p. 1). Instead, we wrote that ‘contemporary practice by some parents to occasionally or often “leaving infant to cry it out” during the first 6 months was not associated with adverse behavioural development and attachment at 18 months’ (p. 8).