Health-Related Quality-of-Life Outcomes of Very Preterm or Very Low Birth Weight Adults: Evidence From an Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis

Background and Objective

Assessment of health-related quality of life for individuals born very preterm and/or low birthweight (VP/VLBW) offers valuable complementary information alongside biomedical assessments. However, the impact of VP/VLBW status on health-related quality of life in adulthood is inconclusive. The objective of this study was to examine associations between VP/VLBW status and preference-based health-related quality-of-life outcomes in early adulthood.

Standardized Outcome Measures for Preterm and Hospitalized Neonates: An ICHOM Standard Set

Approximately, one in ten infants is born preterm or requires hospitalization at birth. These complications at birth have long-term consequences that can extend into childhood and adulthood. Timely detection of developmental delay through surveillance could enable tailored support for these babies and their families. However, the possibilities for follow-up are limited, especially in middle- and low-income countries, and the tools to do so are either not available or too expensive. A standardized and core set of outcomes for neonates, with feasible tools for evaluation and follow-up, could result in improving quality, enhance shared decision-making, and enable global benchmarking. 

Altered grey matter cortical and subcortical T1-weighted/T2-weighted ratio in premature-born adults

Microscopic studies in newborns and animal models indicate impaired myelination after premature birth, particularly for cortical myelination; however, it remains unclear whether such myelination impairments last into adulthood and – if so – are relevant for impaired cognitive performance. It has been suggested that the ratio of T1w and T2w MRI signal intensity (T1w/T2w ratio) is a proxy for myelin content. We hypothesized altered grey matter (GM) T1w/T2w ratio in premature-born adults, which is associated with lower cognitive performance after premature birth.

Demographic, clinical, and service-use characteristics related to the clinician’s recommendation to transition from child to adult mental health services

The service configuration with distinct child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) may be a barrier to continuity of care. Because of a lack of transition policy, CAMHS clinicians have to decide whether and when a young person should transition to AMHS. This study describes which characteristics are associated with the clinicians’ advice to continue treatment at AMHS.

Are Psychiatrists Trained to Address the Mental Health Needs of Young People Transitioning From Child to Adult Services? Insights From a European Survey

Background: In mental health, transition refers to the pathway of young people from child and adolescent to adult services. Training of mental health psychiatrists on transition-related topics offers the opportunity to improve clinical practice and experiences of young people reaching the upper age limit of child and adolescent care.

Maternal postpartum depressive symptoms partially mediate the association between preterm birth and mental and behavioral disorders in children

Preterm birth has been linked with postpartum depressive (PPD) disorders and high symptom levels, but evidence remains conflicting and limited in quality. It remains unclear whether PPD symptoms of mothers with preterm babies were already elevated before childbirth, and whether PPD symptoms mediate/aggravate the effect of preterm birth on child mental disorders.