The importance of clinicians’ and parents’ awareness of suicidal behaviour in adolescents reaching the upper age limit of their mental health services in Europe

To study clinicians’ and parents’ awareness of suicidal behaviour in adolescents reaching the upper age limit of their Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and its association with mental health indicators, transition recommendations and mental health service (MHS) use.

The association of early regulatory problems with behavioral problems and cognitive functioning in adulthood: two cohorts in two countries

Regulatory problems (RPs; excessive crying, sleeping, or feeding difficulties) that co-occur (i.e., multiple) or are persistent have been associated with cognitive and behavioral problems in childhood. However, it remains unknown if multiple or persistent RPs are associated with cognitive and behavioral problems in adulthood.

Leaving child and adolescent mental health services in the MILESTONE cohort: a longitudinal cohort study on young people’s mental health indicators, care pathways, and outcomes in Europe

The configuration of having separate mental health services by age, namely child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS), might be a barrier to continuity of care that adversely affects young people’s mental health. However, no studies have investigated whether discontinuity of care in the transition period affects mental health. We aimed to discern the type of care young people receive after reaching the upper age limit of their CAMHS and examine differences in outcomes at 24-month follow-up between young people receiving different types of care.