Geiger et al have published work assessing and extending the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health
in association of ESCNH Chairs including Dieter Wolke
…in association of ESCNH Chairs including Dieter Wolke
…Early childhood regulatory problems (excessive crying, sleeping, and feeding difficulties) are associated with behavioral problems from childhood to young adulthood.
…Sexual victimisation and peer victimisation are pervasive and increase risk for mental illness.
…Retrospective harmonisation of data obtained through different instruments creates measurement error, even if the underlying concepts are assumed the same.
…A new paper on the well-being of parents by Robert Eves, Dieter Wolke, Nicole Baumann, Ayten Bilgin, David Richter, Daniel Schnitzlein, and Sakari Lemola is out now!
…Dieter Wolke – Clarivate Highly Cited Cross Field Researcher 2023 For the 6th year, Dieter Wolke is in the top 1% of authors with multiple Highly Cited Papers for cross field researchers.
Adults born preterm have increased risk of mental health problems and other neurodevelopmental conditions.