Sequelae of Premature Birth in Young Adults

Background and Purpose

Qualitative studies about the abnormalities appreciated on routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences in prematurely born adults are lacking. This article aimed at filling this knowledge gap by (1) qualitatively describing routine imaging findings in prematurely born adults, (2) evaluating measures for routine image interpretation and (3) investigating the impact of perinatal variables related to premature birth.

Parental use of ‘cry it out’ in infants: no adverse effects on attachment and behavioural development at 18 months


Leaving infant to cry it out has been the subject of discussion among researchers and parents. Nevertheless, there is paucity of empirical research investigating the association between leaving infant to cry it out and consequent crying duration and frequency, mother–infant attachment and behavioural development.

Testing the neurodevelopmental, trauma and developmental risk factor models of psychosis using a naturalistic experiment

Background – The neurodevelopmental and trauma theories are two widely cited models of psychosis. A third – the developmental risk factor model (DRFM) – recognises the combined role of neurodevelopmental risks and trauma. Our objective was to test these theories using preterm populations as a natural experiment, given the high prevalence of neurodevelopmental deficits and exposure to trauma.