Transition from Child and Adolescent to Adult Mental Health Services in Young People with Depression: On What Do Clinicians Base their Recommendation?
A new paper on the well-being of parents by Robert Eves, Dieter Wolke, Nicole Baumann, Ayten Bilgin, David Richter, Daniel Schnitzlein, and Sakari Lemola is out now!
…Dieter Wolke – Clarivate Highly Cited Cross Field Researcher 2023 For the 6th year, Dieter Wolke is in the top 1% of authors with multiple Highly Cited Papers for cross field researchers.
Long-term development in premature babies with Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolke – The NeoCast: Update Neonatology – Podcast (
Says article in Daily Mirror based on research by Rob Eves and Dieter Wolke.
Adults born preterm have increased risk of mental health problems and other neurodevelopmental conditions.
…Mathematical and reading difficulties in childhood can have far-reaching consequences into adult life and negatively influence educational attainment, earnings, wealth, and health.