Grey and White Matter Volume Changes after Preterm Birth: A Meta-Analytic Approach
Cross-sectional studies have reported lower brain grey matter volumes (GMV) and white matter volumes (WMV) in preterm (PT) born individuals.
…Cross-sectional studies have reported lower brain grey matter volumes (GMV) and white matter volumes (WMV) in preterm (PT) born individuals.
…Self-concept refers to individuals’ perceptions of themselves in specific domains and is closely related with their overall self-esteem. Lower self-esteem has been reported in those born preterm (<37 weeks gestation), but the development of self-concept has not been studied in this population.
…The RECAP preterm project partners proudly present: an animated video explaining in two minutes the background and aim of RECAP preterm as well as the newly created RCAP Preterm Cohort Platform. Don’t miss this video about RECAP preterm! Get more details
To determine whether children born extremely preterm are at increased risk for sleep disturbances and to explore relationships between extremely preterm birth, sleep and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and emotional symptoms.
…Objectives To determine growth outcomes at 11 years of age in children born <27 weeks of gestation in England in 2006 (EPICure2) and to compare growth from birth to 11 years of age for births<26 weeks with those in England in 1995 (EPICure).
…Several observations suggest an impact of prematurity on the claustrum. First, the claustrum’s development appears to depend on transient subplate neurons of intra-uterine brain development, which are affected by prematurity.
…Preterm birth is a risk factor for the development of emotional and behavioural problems in childhood and adolescence. Given the substantial improvements in neonatal care across decades, it has been expected that the difference in emotional problems, hyperactivity, and conduct problems between moderate to late preterm (MLPT) and full term (FT) children and adolescents have declined in recent years.
…Background and purpose: Schoolchildren with language difficulties experience more peer-victimization compared to their typically developing (TD) peers.
…The objective of this study was to investigate whether bed-sharing during the first 6 months of life is associated with infant’s attachment and behavioral outcomes and mother’s bonding and sensitive parenting at 18 months of age.