Decreased amygdala volume in adults after premature birth
Premature-born infants have impaired amygdala structure, presumably due to increased stress levels of premature birth mediated by the amygdala.
…Premature-born infants have impaired amygdala structure, presumably due to increased stress levels of premature birth mediated by the amygdala.
…This study examined whether physical activity is associated with better mental health and well-being among very preterm (≤32 weeks) and term born (≥37 weeks) adolescents alike or whether the associations are stronger in either of the groups.
…Objective To determine whether improvements in school age outcomes had occurred between two cohorts of births at 22–25 weeks of gestation to women residents in England in 1995 and 2006.
…As part of this Webinar series Professor Dieter Wolke will be talking about ‘Infant Regulatory Problems and Development Trajectories’ on Friday 8th January 2021 at 21:00 hrs (GMT) Further details available:
People differ in their sleep timings that are often referred to as a chronotype and can be operationalized as mid-sleep (midpoint between sleep onset and wake-up). The aims of the present studies were to examine intraindividual variability and longer-term temporal stability of mid-sleep on free and workdays, while also considering the effect of age.
…Obstetric factors have long been recognised as risk factors for the later development of poor mental health.
…Exposure to neurodevelopmental adversity and childhood trauma are both independently associated with psychosis.
…Listen to Dieter Wolke talk about ‘The Importance of Effective Follow-Up of Preterm Babies’ (starts at 55:12) at the Introduction of the Standards of Care for newborn Health: World Prematurity Day 2020 webinar.
Crying represents a powerful signal for human newborns. How parents should respond has been a matter of debate, with some urging prompt responding and others expressing concern about spoiling.
…Congratulations to Vanessa Moutinho, PhD student at CiPsi Research Unit, University of Minho who won the Award for Best International Research for the poster regarding the “Relation between maternal interactive behavior and preterm infant’s stress system regulation” which was presented at the 6th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents (AITANA).…