Social Functioning in Adults Born Very Preterm: Individual Participant Meta-analysis


CONTEXT There is a lack of research on individual perceptions of social experiences and social relationships among very preterm (VP) adults compared with term-born peers.

OBJECTIVE To investigate self-perceived social functioning in adults born VP (<32 weeks’ gestation) and/or with very low birth weight (VLBW) (<1500g) compared with term-born adults (≥37 weeks’ gestation) using an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis.

Prenatal stress and offspring depression in adulthood: The mediating role of childhood trauma

There is repeated evidence for a prenatal programming effect for the development of offspring depression. However, examination of environmental influences along this pathway is sparse. This study aimed to investigate the direct and indirect effects of pre- and postnatal stress on offspring depression in adulthood, via increased exposure to childhood trauma.

Precursors and correlates of transient and persistent longitudinal profiles of psychotic experiences from late childhood through early adulthood


Background – Psychotic experiences are reported by 5–10% of young people, although only a minority persist and develop into psychotic disorders. It is unclear what characteristics differentiate those with transient psychotic experiences from those with persistent psychotic experiences that are more likely to be of clinical relevance.

Aims – To investigate how longitudinal profiles of psychotic experiences, created from assessments at three different time points, are influenced by early life and co-occurring factors.

The Impact of Formal School Entry on Children’s Social Relationships with Parents, Siblings, and Friends

The normative transition to formal schooling confronts children with social challenges but also opportunities. Longitudinal research on how school entry impacts children’s family and friend-ship relationships is scarce. This study investigated social relationship qualities with parents, siblings, and friends among 1110 children (49.9% female) from the prospective, population-based Bavarian Longitudinal Study at 6 years (before school entry) and 8 years using a forced-choice card-sorting task.

Maternal education and cognitive development in 15 European very-preterm birth cohorts from the RECAP Preterm platform

Studies are sparse and inconclusive about the association between maternal education and cognitive development among children born very preterm (VPT). Although this association is well established in the general population, questions remain about its magnitude among children born VPT whose risks of medical and developmental complications are high. We investigated the association of maternal education with cognitive outcomes in European VPT birth cohorts.

Within amygdala: basolateral parts are selectively impaired in premature-born adults


  • Amygdala volume is reduced in premature-born adults.•
  • Particularly accessory basal nuclei volumes are selectively reduced.•
  • Structural covariance within basolateral amygdala is altered after premature birth.•
  • Data suggest that prematurity has lasting and distinct effects on amygdala nuclei.•
  • Basolateral amygdala development seems to be specifically impaired.